Cockroaches Control -GSK Pest Control in OMR
Cockroaches are the biggest problem people are facing nowadays in homes, apartments, offices and other buildings of OMR. Cockroaches are in their active state at night, and they prefer to hide in the cracks and at night they use to come out of cracks to find the food items. It can be very irritating and gross to deal with these insects. There are so many cockroach sprays available in the market that you can use on your own to kill these insects. Even then if you didn’t succeed in getting rid of these insects then you can take the help from professional pest control services.More Information Contact us.
Common Cockroaches In OMR / Tamilnadu
Different types of cockroaches are found in OMR. So, it’s important for you to know about all of them;
- German Cockroaches: These are types of cockroaches who like to live and breed indoors and most are normally found in or around residential & commercial kitchens or darting around the bathroom areas.
- American Cockroaches: These are the Cockroaches that are found in the basement areas, kitchens and drainage of villas. These roaches prefer to live and breed outdoors.
- Oriental cockroach: These cockroaches are dark brown or clack in colour. They love to live in cool and damp areas. These types of roaches can create health hazards as they love to feed on garbage and decaying things.